Sunday, November 15, 2015

something fishy goin' on...

I've referenced Boudin Bakery a lot. It's no wonder that since working there, I've been much more proficient in making sandwiches. Hell, my family turned into sandwich freaks for a while when I was still employed at Boudin!

Now, sandwiches are comfort food for me and the hubby. It's fast, it's healthy, and it's always good. In fact, when my hubby was sick back when we were dating, I would make him a lot of tuna salad based on Boudin's recipe. It's been evolving since then and I've finally got it down to the way I like it.

It starts off with the basics of tuna salad: tuna, mayo, onion, and celery. Then I upped the parsley, added a little bit of this and that to round out the taste, then add a bunch of my favorite sandwich salad seasoning: dill weed! Call me a Trekkie, but I got the idea when I watched the movie, Star Trek: Generations (the part when James T. Kirk was making scrambled eggs for his wife).

Turns out, adding dill was an excellent idea! It adds a little somethin'-somethin' to the tuna to make it extra special. Add some shredded romaine lettuce and a couple slices of juicy tomatoes and we're in business! If sandwiches aren't your thing, you can always dallop a scoop on salad or add some pasta for an awesome picnic pasta salad. Want something hot? I've found that these make excellent tuna melts. The possibilities with tuna salad are endless!

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Herbed Tuna Salad
(Makes about 2 cups)

3 cans chunk light tuna, drained well
1 cup chopped red onion
1 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup minced flat-leaf parsley
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp dried dill
1 tsp Tapatio hot sauce
1 tsp sweet relish
1 tsp yellow mustard
1/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
3/4 to 1 cup light mayonnaise

Combine all ingredients except mayo and mix well. Using 1/4 cup at a time, add mayonnaise until preferred consistency. Adjust seasoning with additional salt and pepper as needed. Refrigerate and let marinate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

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