Tuesday, January 6, 2015

morning marinara.

So in the attempt to get a head start on dinner, I decided to get up a little early to make some marinara sauce. Inspired by the moroccan theme, I wanted to do Italian today but not so much pasta. Marinara is a versatile sauce and I figured I could have more possibilities with it than a meat sauce would. After all, I can always add stuff to the thing i'm cooking rather than the other way around, lol. :)

Also, making the sauce gave me an excuse to use up the canned tomatoes I've apparently hoarded in my cupboard. ^_^; While making tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes would've been awesome...I also needed cupboard space for things that I actually use and buy regularly. Soo...Experiment time!

Hmm...so, what to do with the sauce? Possibilities include stuffed peppers but with a breadcrumb crust, chicken parmesan sans pasta but with salad and some kind of starch, or maybe braised chicken. Not sure yet and it's still early. Plenty of time to think about dinner later...

Marinara Sauce
(adapted from Taylor Made Market)

4 cans diced tomatoes (I used 2 cans each of Hunt's Fire Roasted and Basil, Garlic Oregano)
6 to 8 garliic cloves, minced
drizzle olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice
handful of fresh basil
handful of italian pasrley
salt and pepper to taste

In a large pan on medium-high, add the canned tomatoes and minced garlic. Cook down and reduce the tomatoes, stirring often. When the tomatoes are thick and chunky with little to no liquid, remove from heat. Drizzle olive oil and add the lemon juice. Add the basil, parsley, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer the sauce into a blender/food processor and pulse until desired consistency.

Makes approximately 3 cups of sauce.

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